Quebec Productions: 30Day Pass Just $9.95!

Hot Frenchies in Hardcore Fuck Scenes

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Deal details
Quebec Productions is one of the only French Canadian porn companies to hit the net. The site is in French and a lot of the scenes are in French too, so you will need to have a working knowledge of French or just a translator for your browser if you don’t. There are a wide variety of scenes and all the models are Quebecois and super sexy. Since they are all French Canadian, you probably won’t recognize them from other porn sites since they haven’t been on all that many, but the content is professional style, not amateur. There is some fetish content here as well as just good old fashioned hardcore French Canadian fucking!
  • French Canadian porn with real Quebecois girls
  • Site updates once per week
  • Canadian porn is 100% exclusive
  • HD photos and videos
Fine Print
  • Cannot be combined with any other offer
  • No cash back/cash value
  • Must adhere to Vendors terms and conditions
  • Must be +18 years of age
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  • 3. Click Desired offer and enjoy!
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